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Facing new challenges together

The new EU Methane Regulation requires the natural gas industry to reduce methane emissions!
atmio supports you with a comprehensive all-in-one solution.

Selected natural gas companies that trust us

The EU Methane Regulation became mandatory in 2024.

Since August 4, 2024, the EU Methane Regulation has presented new challenges for the natural gas industry.

Avoid penalties with clear guidelines.

Quick insights on deadlines and actions.

Practical steps to cut emissions.

Submit your email and receive exclusive access to the detailed video on how to comply with the EU Methane Regulation.

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What needs to be done?

Regular leakage detection & repair (GDMRA & pipeline network)

Reporting on the quantified amount of emissions

Reduction of emissions through limited venting & flaring processes

Talk to our experts to learn what exactly is expected of you under the EU Methane Regulation and which first steps you should take.

Get in touch

"Technicians are not there to spend their entire day filling out paperwork; their focus should be on maintenance, servicing, and repairs. Our goal is to reduce methane emissions while keeping bureaucratic effort to a minimum."

Dominik Gehling

Grid Operations for Electricity and Gas, LSW

Interested? Get in touch.

In 5 Steps to 100% EU-Methane Compliance with atmio

Our diversified product offering ensures that any type of gas infrastructure can become fully EU-compliant. And it’s all achieved in 5 steps, tailored to meet the specific needs of every operation.

Get in touch


Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers. If your question is not included, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Matthias Schmittmann
Director Sales

Questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch

We are pleased to discuss your specific challenges and demonstrate how our solution can meet your needs.

Please complete the form and I’ll  reach out to set up a free, no-obligation consultation.

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