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Expert Blog
July 17, 2024

Article 12 EU methane regulation - "Monitoring and reporting"

General requirements, deadlines and effort assessment for operators

Article 12 EU methane regulation - "Monitoring and reporting"

Welcome to our Expert Blog! Today, we would like to provide you with a detailed insight into Article 12 of the new EU Methane Regulation, which is crucial for all operators in the gas industry. In this article, we explain the key deadlines and requirements you should be aware of.

General Operating Requirements and Reporting

Article 12 of the EU Methane Regulation sets strict requirements for reporting and monitoring methane emissions. Operators must ensure that they take the following measures:

  • Submission of Methane Reports: These reports must not only use generic emission factors but also include source measurements. This helps improve the accuracy of the data and better understand actual emissions.
  • Regular Monitoring: Operators are expected to continuously monitor their methane emissions and use this data for further analysis and reporting.
  • Reconciliation of Results: The data from the various measurement methods must be reconciled to ensure that methane emissions are accurately captured and mitigated at all levels. (starting February 2027)

Important Deadlines from Article 12

  • August 2025: Operators must submit an estimated methane balance based on generic emission factors. These reports are intended to provide an initial assessment of methane emissions and serve as a basis for further measures (Article 12, Paragraph 1).
  • February 2026: Operators must submit detailed reports on the quantified methane emissions at the source. These reports require direct measurements of methane emissions and provide a more precise basis for emission monitoring and control (Article 12, Paragraph 2).
  • February 2027: Operators must submit a report to the competent authorities that quantifies methane emissions at the source and is supplemented by site-level measurements, known as the combined methane balance. (Article 12, Paragraph 3)

Effort Assessment for Operators

The new requirements mean significant effort for operators in the gas industry due to extensive paperwork and reporting, as well as the need for analytical skills to reconcile different measurement balances. Regular detailed reports and direct measurements at the source increase administrative burden. The requirements demand technical know-how to validate data sources. The actual effort varies greatly depending on the size and structure of the operation, making individual assessment essential. For this reason, we are happy to assist you as a partner and support you in efficiently and reliably meeting the requirements of the EU Methane Regulation.


The new EU Methane Regulation brings numerous changes and requirements for the gas industry. It is crucial that operators take the necessary measures early to meet the deadlines and comply with the new regulations. For further information and support, we are happy to assist you.

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